Neil Gaiman – Anansi Boys
Reče mi jednom jedan on kako nijedna Gejmenova priča nije stvarno Gejmenova. Međutim, ni sam Gejmen o sebi nikad nije rekao da je stvaralac. On je pripovedač, od onih iz pradoba, onih što pripovedaju zbog i radi priče, a ne priznanja.
Pričom o Anansiju, prvom pripovedaču koji i nije baš prvi, budući da je pravo da se prvim nazove ukrao Tigru, Gejmen opravdava svoj pristup pričama.
Olden days, all the animals wanted to have stories named after them, back in the days when the songs that sung the world were still being sung, back when they were still singing the sky and the rainbow and the ocean. It was in those days whenanimals were people as well as animals that Anansi tricked all of them, especially Tiger, because he wanted all the stories named after him.
Stories are like spiders, with all their long legs, and stories are like spiderwebs, which man gets himself all tangled up in but which look so pretty when you see them under a leaf in the morning dew, and in the elegant way that they connect to one another, each to each.
What’s that? You want to know if Anansi looked like a spider?Sure he did, except when he looked like a man.
No, he never changed his shape. It’s just a matter of how you tell the story. That’s all.
Drugi “jedan on” opisuje svoj doživljaj Gejmenovih priča “kao da sediš pored vatre i slušaš”. I to je tačno. Njegovi opisi su jednostavni, njegove figure su retorske – on vezuje čitaoca za priču ne (samo) pričom, već sobom u njoj.
Kako je priča i pauk i mreža istovremeno, napomena
Anansi was a spider, when the world was young, and all the stories were being told for the first time.
ne smeta pripovedaču da kroz priču o Anansiju provuče vezu sa drugim nitima “opšte priče” –
It was sort of like “Macbeth”.
Sve priče postoje oduvek, tačno, ali to ne umanjuje potrebu za pričanjem i upijanjem priča(nja). Zato Gejmen nije plagijator pojedinačnih priča, nego reanimator (i provetravač) Priče.
Najživopisniji lik: Mrs. Higgler
Najdraži lik: Spider
Uz čitanje slušati: Squirrel Nut Zippers
**Preporuka: Čitati na engleskom, kao i American Gods. Isplativije od prevoda.