Between the Acts (odlomci)
[…] they were talking — not shaping pellets of information or handing ideas from one to anoter, but rolling words, like sweets on their tongues; whic, as they thinned to transparency, gave off pink, green, and sweetness. ‘Next to the kitchen, the library’s always the nicest room in the house.’ Every summer, for seven summers now, Isa had heard the same words; about the hammer and the nails; the pageant and the weather. Every year they said, would it be wet or fine; and every year it was — one or the other. The same chime followed the same chime, only this year beneath the chime she heard: ‘The girl…
Pročitala sam u novembru
Za ovaj mesečni pregled morala sam da izlistam Goodreads, jer nisam mogla da se setim polovine od 8 pročitanih knjiga. A bez pomoći dnevnika ne uspevam da se setim ni ostalih okoloknjiških stvari koje sam radila u novembru. (Znam da sam radila mnogo više nego u oktobru i uopšte prethodnih meseci, pa biće da je razlog ovoj nepovezanosti preumor.) Ne, ozbiljno, morala sam da uzmem dnevnik da bih imala šta da napišem u ovom odeljku. Dakle, gledala sam „Grindelvaldove zločine” (volim sve što nam Rouling ispljune i gledaću ga opet, ali realno nije dobar koliko bi mogao biti (Minerva Mek Gonagal radi na Hogvortsu dvadesetih, stvarno?)) objavila 5 tekstova snimila…